Inspirational art for kids.

I honestly wasn't prepared for how excited you all were to see more inspirational/religious children's art. I knew that I was excited about it, cause I needed some of my own! But it thrilled me to see your response. Yay for bright happy religious art! I don't talk about my faith here, for no other reason than it's just not part of this space, but my faith is an integral part of daily life, and it's happy and joyful and bright! So, why not art to match!


My friend Meta, who you will be hearing more about because she is drop-dead amazingly talented at designing spaces, let me photograph these prints in her family room. She is helping me design my kids room, but while that's happening, I might sneak in a few shots of my work in her Scandinavian inspired home. She is actually starting a children's design blog any day now, and I couldn't be more excited. More on that later.

But for now, just know that there are 5 new prints in the shop, ready and waiting for a new home.

1) I am a Child of God (Girl)

2) I am a child of God (Boy)

3) Peace, Be Still

4) Jesus loves me

5) I love to see the temple

Both I am a child of God and I love to see the temple have lots of color and language variations to choose from.

Available in the online shop and on ETSY



Can you tell I'm into yellow lately? Perfect for spring. Here comes the sun!

I'd also like to note, that this isn't all! I wanted to release the religious art first, and the rest of my spring collection will be coming as soon as I can get them here.  But I want to keep these separate, as I know not everyone will appreciate and be interested in these. But honestly...I have a lot more that I want to create along these themes, just all in good time:)

In a perfect world, there will be new prints for the shop in about 2 weeks, as well as other goodies that I've been slaving away at. But for now, I really hope you enjoy these! I plan on adding more in the coming months, but I think this is a good start as to what I hope to be a better effort at happy religious art for children.  I hope you would spread the word, pin, facebook and share with friends. I know that I personally am enjoying having these in my home, and hope lots of children can enjoy these that want to.  Enjoy!!