Getting Inspirational

So I got a bee in my bonnet a while ago, and it kept on buzzzing, buzzzzzing, buzzzzzzzzzzing.....

Until I got serious about (finally) painting and redoing the kids' bedrooms.

The same bee went crazy 4 years ago when I decorated my toddler's room, and I couldn't find any illustrated, storybook-ish,  fresh and whimsical children's art.

When I couldn't find it, I just made my own. And so I opened an ETSY shop cause other people wanted some too.

This time, I've been looking for fresh, colorful, HAPPY, sophisticated Christian Children's art. There are lots of awesome quotes and font art, but so far, I haven't been able to find anything in the art category that I'd consider to fit my criteria.


So, I made my own.


And I'm wondering....since I know many of you are mothers who tend towards the same interests....if maybe you'd like to see some Sarah Jane inspirational/religious art for kids??

I've been trying to find scriptural, biblical, christian....anything! art for the walls, and so far it's not really working (too dark, not childlike enough, too babyish, too serious....) and so I actually have like 12 more ideas in my sketchbook waiting to pop, but I wanted to ask first here if this is something you'd like too. Yay? Nay?

I know not all of you would be interested, so pardon me for asking. But if you are, I'd love it if you could spread the word, pin, facebook, etc. cause I'm really interested if other women have the same need I've had.....

Good Christian Children's art.

Let me know, and I'll get back to you about more ideas I've got up my sleeve.

