OH my goodness! I had no idea that a years worth of portraits would sell out in 24 hours. Geesh. I realize that many of you never even got the memo. But thank you to all of you who are participating! I can't wait to get started.
If there is ANY more room in the year, I will carefully consider my options, and try to make some more space. But as of now, I'm totally full.
If you are still interested, please email me HERE and write WAITING LIST in the title, and I'll add you to a wait list.
The Wait List is completely full! Over full actually. I'll be finishing up these portraits for the year of 2013, and will reopen up slots at the end of next year! Thanks so much!
I'm so thrilled to be introducing a brand new product today! Woohoo!
I've been toying around with offering custom portraits since the first person asked, Oh...like my first week after opening my shop! But I've declined because, well, we all can imagine how time intensive work like that would be. And I just couldn't justify the time with everything else I was juggling.
But part of the cutting back I've been doing, is to allow myself more time to illustrate. I have other projects in the works, and while I have my paints out more than usual, I want to offer those same services to you!

The style of portrait though, is not your standard posed, photographed and then painted kind of job. I'm interested in illustrating your children doing what they do best: playing. Does your child wish they were a mermaid? Do you want to capture your children playing spy? Do they have a favorite animal that they play with all the time? What about riding on top of a dinosaur?
I want to get to the heart of childhood, and create portraits that will make childhood stand still. Stephanie Nielson (NieNie Dialogues) had me illustrate her children, and I realized that I absolutely LOVE portraying children doing their favorite things, or in an imaginary place. You can see her commissions in the top image and the bottom image.

You can find out more details HERE

You can find out more details HERE
This project I hope fulfills a lot of requests I've had over the years! It's also my way of making sure that I'm staying sharp as an illustrator, as well as a designer. I love children, and value their uniqueness so much. I hope to offer you a whimsical representation of who your children are at heart.
Thanks for your interest! Please feel free to ask questions in the comments below, as needed.
I can't wait to meet your children!