Washi Tape Christmas Card Tree

washi-tape-tree Here's a quick Christmas Fix if you are needing one. I went to my local fabric boutique (Harmony & Darlybird) and they had this adorable washi tape tree on the wall. So cute! We've added presents (one for each of us) and we're displaying our Christmas Cards on them this year. We've run out of room, and so tomorrow I think I'll make a few more.

Super easy, and a great way to use up the tape. I love that won't ever damage the walls, and the kids help put it up. Are you a washi tape geek like me?



Happy Less-than-a-week-till Christmas day! Horray!!

And PS: Thanks so much for all the amazing donating for the Sandy Hook Cards. We're up to over $1200 of funds donated (and that's just approximating the numbers from 2 days worth) $5 can go a long way! I'll be collecting funds all through the holiday.

PPS: Tomorrow is the LAST DAY for all my paper goods in the shop (sigh.) Grab them in the clearance, or never more!

Off to make some peppermint Cocoa now:)

Paper Doll Tins

We love paper dolls at our house. I'm thinking of making some more for Christmas, and I came across this really darling idea from Alanna's Blog who blogged about magnetic paper doll tins. I had to share!

She took the paper dolls, and made their own boxes, and lined it with the Children at play crafting paper. So so darling.

She used the smaller, pre-cut Making Memories Dolls that I designed.  But you can also use the Paper Dolls I have in the shop as a PDF download HERE.

(The set has 6 dolls and 30 outfits!)

I'm starting to feel the "crunch" time of getting my handmade gifts done for this Christmas. You? I'd love to know what you are making this season. Do you have any handmade gifts you just can't wait to give?



PS: Sorry my blog has been so slow. We're working out the glitches.

PPS: Come back tomorrow for some super exciting news!


DIY Gratitude Tradition:


One tradition we have in our family, is the I LOVE YOU BECAUSE game. Each birthday, we go around the table, and say I LOVE YOU BECAUSE..... to the person we are celebrating! I love this tradition, and it's one that we bring to every birthday...regardless who is in attendance. I love it.

So forThanksgiving, I thought it would be fun to start a new tradition, and WEAR the reasons we are loved.

Each person gets as many feathers as there are people at the table.

Each person writes down what they are grateful for about that person.

Then, all the feathers are passed to the recipient, and they get to wear all the reasons people are grateful for them.

We often don't know why, specifically, people are grateful for us. This year, I'm making sure my kids know that everyone in their family is indeed....grateful for them.  And more importantly, why.

You can wear these, hang them, pin them, or make a piece of art.

Either way, I hope it helps us all take time to show gratitude for the people in our lives who mean the most to us.


Happy Thanksgiving!


God bless.

Children at Play Paper Line

I couldn't be more excited to announce that the paper collection for CHILDREN AT PLAY is FINALLY available!

Oh. It's been a long time coming. I announced a year ago that I collaborated with Making Memories to create a fantastic paper collection, and unfortunately, there were some events that kept it from getting produced on time. It was re-released this August and is now in stores!

I won't say too much here, except for you to go and browse all the products as you wish to. But I will say, that I'm not much of a scrapbooker. Mostly because I haven't the time! I adore paper, and I love memory keeping. But when I designed this collection, I made very clear that I wanted this to be a paper collection that you could be used for proper scrapbooking.....but also to PLAY with. DECORATE with. One that children could really enjoy. There are banners, papers, stickers, paper dolls with LOTS of clothes (all in children at play textiles of course) and so much more.

I have yet to really take some proper photographs.  As I was laying everything out, my girls IMMEDIATELY took to "setting" up a little paper play room. I guess that's a good sign that these are just as fun to play with as they are to scrapbook with.

Good, good fun!

Here's a short video created by Scrapbooks.com showing all the paper options displayed at the CHA tradeshow this summer!


I've created a list of stores for you to browse on the product page here.

I've started a SARAH JANE PAPER Photo Group, so please do join in if you'd like!

I'm so glad to have these finally available. They have been so much fun around here. Enjoy!

Halloween Traditions.

Ok. Enough of Christmas already, we're back in gear for Halloween.

Remember this Haunted House project? It was just featured here on Parenting.com with their 13 Halloween Craft projects. It reminded me about last year's Halloween Project, and I thought I'd pull it out again!

This project is a great way to let your child get up close and personal and draw their favorite halloween creatures in each window. Scary stuff!

The post and Downloadable Template can be found here.

Here we go into holiday projects! We're breaking out the decorations (on strict command from my 7 year old) tonight!

Are your kids as into Halloween as mine? If I had my way, we'd skip this holiday. But they LOVE it!


Lunch Notes

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School lunches have started. We're having a lot of fun with them this year too! (We're bento boxing for the first time...any of you bento fans? I'm loving it!)

Anyways....my mother was an AMAZING school lunch mom. Looking back, and especially now that I'm packing lunches daily, it amazes me that she packed notes each school day for 20 years in all 5 kids lunches.

Ya. I'm living in a tough shadow:)

So now, I send my kids to school with a note every day too. On their napkin. But it's always in pictures (which are faster for me than words most often:)

And it's always rushed. (What? School mornings rushed?)

So I thought I'd start sending some more prepared little notes too. (We might actually get to school EARLY with these printed notes lying around for emergencies!)

Could you use some ?

I’ve made THESE PRINTABLE LUNCH BOX NOTES for you grab in the shop…180 ready to go illustrated and designed notes…as well as 72 blanks notes!

Or, feel free to download the free pages below! There are 2 pages of notes, and it’s great in a pinch!

lunch quote 2 sarah jane blog

lunch quote 2 sarah jane blog



Happy lunch making:)


sarah jane


Time for another tutorial using the Out to Sea Fabric! Head over to Tea Rose Home today. Isn't this darling? I've made an anchor template for you to download. These colors are some of my favorite for boy right now. Grey and dark orange.

And scroll down on her blog a little here, to see what she did with the "scraps" left over from the projects she made for the booth. Um. Ya. She even has tutorials for that too.


Happy making!


sarah jane

Magnetic Paper Dolls

We interupt the hustle and bustle of getting a fabric debut and quilt market set ready.....(because frankly, I'm a little slap happy, and need a good play break) and bring to you....

More paper dolls! We love paper dolls at our house. And it's about high time that there were new ones for you!  I have never made magnetic paper dolls before (I know a lot of you do!) and now I'm hooked.

I printed them out onto magnetic printer paper, and voila! I guess you can also use magnetic craft paper and glue the doll down and cut out around the edges. This brings a whole new level to paper doll playing. Seriously. This is high tech.

I have a magnetic board for the kids where we post charts, and notes. But initially, the idea came to use a cookie sheet. Too bad I have the same cookie sheets since my bridal shower, and they are rather beat up and well loved. Not much magnetic stick left!

Magnetic dolls are so great, because they make it really fun and easy to "set" up. This collection has small little cups and treats that are fun to layer up and play with from a cookie sheet, or hanging magnetic board.

And here is a little doll and outfit FREE! The gingham blanket is so fun as a magnet:)

It's been forever since I've grabbed some Children at Play fabric to sew with. It was so nice to grab some of this again. Drawstring bags are a no-fuss sew, and now we can keep them off the floor:)

Have fun playing! I'm off to whirl and twirl and prep for another quilt market show! I'll be spilling the beans soon...but you know the drill. No peeking until it's done:)