Sing the song you were born to sing

Ashely Anne Photography has been a favorite blog of mine for a while. She is the one that posted this great tutorial of how to stitch over the LIVE YOUR LIFE ON PURPOSE print that I know so many of you have printed out and used. And I've been wanting to make more illustrated quotes now for a while, so when she asked me to illustrate a poster as a gift for those who donate money to the orphanage where her daughter is coming from in China, I jumped at the chance. You can read more about the project here. There are other prints for those who donate, all themed around the word "song." Beautiful and inspiring.

I came up with this phrase a while ago, while I was looking back on the paths I've take as well as the paths that I want to take. So often, when making decisions, I tend to look at those I know and love to see what has taken them down their roads. But in the end, I always take my own. We all do. It can be scary, not knowing what your particular road will be. Even though we forge ahead year after year, there are still moments when we have to step back and make sure we are making this the path that we were truly meant for. And it really is an adventure, isn't it?

And so there we go. Sing the song you were born to sing.

Thank you Ashley for bringing awareness to yet another great cause, and enjoy!

This print is 8 x 10. Print it out and pin it up...frame it....trace it and stitch it...whatever suits you! Enjoy!


MAKE THINGS: Easter Surprise Balls

Last night I got together with some ladies in my neighborhood to make some Easter Surprise balls! This is the kind of thing that is perfect to do in a group. The idea has come from multiple sources, namely this one.

But instead of an empty ball, my friend Stephanie decided to use these darling tie-it-on-your-bum-and-look-like-the-Easter-Bunny-cottontails as the center of the Surprise Ball.  Stephanie made these darling cotton tails, and I can't wait to see my kids with these:)

The idea is that inside every layer of crepe paper, is a new surprise. Place a toy or prize on the ball, and wrap with one long strand of crepe paper.  Keeping the prizes small and either compact or moldable is great!

We mostly used sheets of crepe paper, and cute them in strips. They handle better, and don't rip as easily.

Then comes the filling!

Merillee made these darling stickers, and Alison brought felt wool bunnies (who by the way have amazing--no AMAZING--blogs. Yeow!)

Oh, and I skipped the firecracker:) Could be rather fun for the older ones!

I made these little paper bunnies, with a free download here.

It would be fun to make other shapes a carrot, or a bunny shape. Have fun with it!

Finish is off with a sticker, and it's ready for the Easter Basket!

Here's the FREE DOWNLOAD if you want to make some little cut out friends. They are really not very useful except to just play with and decorate with. Simple, Simple!

And PS:

I've been hinting at showing you some fabric peeks, but alas, I made a mistake in telling you too soon. I'll need to wait till we get closer to May....but I promise it's coming! Sorry. Please don't hate me:(

Also, the Children at Play paper line is releasing in May as well! Meh. More waiting...sorry! But I have more fun stuff to fill in the gaps, so no worries.

Back to the art table! xoxo

Party Party!

Once again, I'm amazed at the projects you continue to come up with from Children at Play Fabric! I love seeing them over at the FLICKR group, and we talk a lot about them on my Facebook page, but sometimes I just need to share here on the blog. These pics are from the Amy Atlas Blog which  featured these designs by Ruby May Designs.

I am starting to think about my own toddler's birthday coming soon, and this inspired me! And to think that the fabric is my own making...just goes to show how creative you all are and give me so many ideas. I just love it!  You all inspire me so much!

Ruby put this party together so sweetly. It's the perfect mix of sweet but not too much!

I love how she used this panel On Parade fabric for the backdrop. I'm a big fan of panel prints,  and I can't seem to get tired of them! So many uses!

Anyways, here's some eye candy for your weekend, and maybe will inspire you with spring in the air!

Such a darling celebration Ruby May! Head on over to the FLICKR group to see more.

(Soon there will be another fabric collection to add to the mix! I'm hooked:)

Happy Friday! I've got LOTS planned to show you next week. Hee Hee:)



Free applique pattern, studio improvements & hello!

Well, this blogging once a week thing is proving to be much better with my new schedule as of late. As I've been required to dig a little deeper into projects (which is always really hard to do in short spurts of free time) I find myself consolidating all over the place. The house is getting rearranged, my studio space and craft room is getting a make over, and I'm even rearranging our big hall closet. Spring is in the air I guess (eek! I love this time of year!) and I'm getting more aware of how to get more organized and how to make for more focused art time.

Although I still intend to endorse this quote from A. A. Milne.

"One of the advantages of being disorderly, is that one is constantly making new discoveries."

Amen to that.

One of the projects I've been up to is writing up this template and pattern for the Michael Miller Blog this weekend. So fun! Mostly it was an excuse for me to FINALLY write up this pattern for a quilt I designed for Quilt Market a bajillion months ago (ok, 9 months ago). Quilt Market was such a buzz, and I needed so much help to put a booth together in one week (I'm still trying to block those days and nights out  of my memory!) and Amy Smart quilted this up for me. She is amazing, as you know. All I did was draw up a pattern (scribbled, really) and she made it happen. I've been asked for the template ever since, and I finally got around to it!

So hop on over to the Michael Miller Blog and check it out!

The downloadable Template is HERE and the instructions are on the blog HERE.

I've been getting back into sewing a bit more too. Something about spring coming. I haven't really been sewing anything since market, but mostly because me sewing machine keeps breaking down, and my sewing room has been a perpetual mess.

Bleh. Time for a makeover! Can't wait to get started. So many ideas!

Me and my sister in law's have been working on this quilt for my newest nephew, and I'm about ready to have it quilted up. It turned out so well. His parents are both scientists, so the rocket theme was perfect!

Oh! And speaking of spaces, I finally got a couch in the studio! Finally a place for the kids to crash and hang out, and for me to snuggle up and sketch. It's made our space so much more cozy. But now I have to figure out what to put on the walls! Ideas?

And to finish with something I've sketched/doodled, I've resurrected a very, very old piece. This was one of the original pieces in my shop that I pulled up from forever ago it seems.  Addie just started ballet again, and dance has been on my mind. It's always a bit weird to go through really old files, and see how much I've changed in 4 years. Anyways, this was done 4 years ago, but it's fun to bring back.

Have a super-duper week. And don't forget to swing by the Michael Miller blog!







So, a few items of business.

Do you have your printable valentines yet?? I'm cutting mine today! (You'd think I'd be more prepared with having my very own this year, but alas...I still love to procrastinate!) Good thing it's ready to go at least. And Did I mention that these will only be available through valentines? Yep. Then...the end.


Tomorrow ONLY  20% off EVERYTHING in the shop

Yay! I love these little deals. 20% off with code: heart20   in both shops here and here.

And do you have a shop where you sell Sarah Jane fabric clothing items? I love watching the FLICKR group grow, but I'd love to feature more projects here on the blog too, so everyone can know where to get a hold of the goods. This one above is the new collection from Georgia Grace. Love it!

I hope you all have a wonderful Valentines day and don't forget to come by for the sale tomorrow!

We bought these books for the kids for Valentines Day (they are all very kissy) Love!

Have a wonderful lovely Valentines!



Art lessons in the studio

So my kids are learning a lot of art lately, and it's not from me.

I don't usually work when the kids are around, but when I have to, it's so fun to have them in with me. It's really small (12 x 12 feet) but the children love to squeeze  their way in to do art with me as much as they can. Addie likes to paint with me while I'm working on the computer, and though we use the kitchen table when we are all art making, the studio seems to get used quite a bit.

But while I'm an artist, I don't actually spend much time teaching the kids. They get to use the space as they want (ahem-Ella), and get inspired by what ever is in their head.

So I've wanted to post here for a while a favorite book of ours that the kids love to pull out when they are art making. (I posted this when I was guest blogging for Lucky Magazine and I forgot to mention here!)

This Charley Harper book gets used a lot...and not for flipping through on the coffee table. But while they paint.  It's big, it's heavy (lays on the table really nicely) and while I love that they are learning about such an amazing artist, I really love how it's a visual art lesson on how to see nature in terms of shapes and color.  It's a brilliant activity to have the kids browse through the book and copy his painting, or interpret them their own way.

So try it! You can even just pull up images online on your computer or ipad or whatever, and it will seriously keep your kids drawing forever, and really thinking about shape, color and line in all that they see around them.

It's so fun to see kids be artists at home. Man...if I didn't have kids at home, I think I'd want to be an art teacher. It's so exciting to see them have so much confidence in their work. Something I am constantly learning from them every day.

I'm working on cozying up the studio. So I should have more pics to show you soon! I'm thinking about a couch...perfect for curling up and sketching. AND having a place to sit when the kids take over the art table:)

Oops! And EDIT:

(can't have a post without some art!)

Rumor has it that a lot of you readers are kids, who like to see new art on my blog. Is that true? If so, tell me what this little bunny is doing in the comments below. I'd love to hear your ideas!



Valentine Printables

valentines group1 web
valentines group1 web

Ok. So there are 11 days until Valentines Day. I'm lucky if I have presents for Christmas 11 days before. Valentines day always sneaks up on me, and I'm never prepared. I'm always stuck getting something left over in the grocery store isle, and so this year, I've decided to beat the battle.

valentines pink web
valentines pink web
valentines group 5
valentines group 5

I can't even tell you how much fun I had making these.

valentines group 2 web
valentines group 2 web

So this whole package includes 8 pages of printed goodness: 2 styles of printable envelopes, tags (2x3 inches), and cards (size 4x4 inches) and 2 sheets of printable paper (hearts and gingham) that you can use for extra card making, wrapping, cut outs, etc.

valentines group3 web
valentines group3 web

So, just as an FYI....these two friends were the inspiration for me when I started my ETSY shop! Remember this precious image, and this one? Well, I kinda have been busy illustrating other stuff, and they have been bugging me BIG TIME to get out more. So, I hope you enjoy Wellesley & Winslow for your Valentines Festivities!

So, these are PDFS and because of the file size, they are ONLY available on the website, not the ETSY shop. On the website, you will get an AUTOMATIC email notice with the download instructions once you purchase.

And....I'm only going to be offering this through Valentines Day!! 11 days only!!

So, hurry and get them now. I'm not sure that I'll be putting these back up.

tag 1 web
tag 1 web

So cute! Even my 6 year old boy got excited about these. No joke. This might just inspire me to have a little Valentine Tea Party this year. Ooooh! I can't wait:)

(Sorry for all the links, but this is to make sure you get the best quality!)

CLICK HERE for the cuppa tea tags

CLICK HERE for the better together tags

CLICK HERE AND HERE for the envelope printables

CLICK HERE for the patterned paper

CLICK HERE for the cuppa tea cards

CLICK HERE for the better together cards

Have fun!!

7 years of motherhood.

Addie's birthday was this last week.  I'll never be able to celebrate her birthday without thinking of my own entrance into the wonderful world of Life with Children. Are you the same way?

This years cake? A Flower Bouquet Candelabra, which is what Addie wanted.

I think. I can't exactly remember how the idea came about.

It's pretty to look at, fun to put together.... and never leaves leftovers (which I prefer:)

And because I know you'll ask:


The cup is filled with chocolate truffle, or fudge would work too (it needs to be a heavy substance to hold the weight of the skewers) which is made ahead of time, poured into the cup and chilled.


are nothing more than donut holes, dipped in the same chocolate, dipped in sprinkles and poked with skewers. Eclairs would be lighter weight and pretty too!


This week I'm celebrating 7 years of being a mom in my robe, slippers, and washing bedding and towels. We've been hit with the flu, and some how it all feels very similar to my entrance into motherhood seven years ago! Now there just more children who are even more fun to snuggle and be flat out exhausted with!

Have a great week to you all!