shop till you drop.


Thanks for all the birthday wishes it was a fantastic weekend. Wasn't Harry Potter so satisfying? I love thinking that in 20 years I can remember how cool it was to see the  final  film's opening night on my birthday. I'm sentimental like that.

So, there's lots I want to say.... and if you know me, you'll know that if I have lots to say, it takes forever and get all jumbled. So, I'm resorting to bullet points! (This might be better for all of us.)

  • Fabric. Fabric. Fabric. I have mentioned on Facebook and twitter that Children at Play sold out of its first wave before it even shipped from the factories, but I don't think I've mentioned it here. What that means is lots and lots of stores are getting it, but lots and lots of stores are still waiting. It also means that I'm getting email after email that certain stores even sold out of a lot of their stock within 24 hours of listing it this weekend! While that is really cool for me to hear, it's also really aggravating since I know what it's like when you are trying to get your hands on something, especially when deadlines are involved (like fun sewing dates with yourself:)
  • Since I have decided NOT to sell my own fabric (that's a conversation we'll have has a lot to wanting to keep other wonderfully dedicated store owners in business) I stayed up until the very wee hours of the night (eh-hem...morning) last night slaving over a super-giganto list  of stores that have currently purchased Children at Play. You can search by state, but there are also two lists that allow you to search online: both web exclusive stores as well as brick and mortar stores that offer online shopping as well. But here's where I'd love to hear from you: I'm rather new to the community of fabric, and I think that a lot of stores were a little shocked with how fast they've been selling it. If you find a store that carries the fabric, but hasn't posted it online, feel free to encourage them to post it so that we all can get our hands on it! You can also encourage your local store to carry it as well!
  • I also need your help in the international community. The list that I made includes all the distributors that have been selling it, but not the actual stores. If you know of a particular store internationally that is carrying Children at Play, can you PLEASE let me know? I want so badly to help my friends over seas get their hands on it, and I wish that I could do more! But, if you call your favorite and local stores and inquire about it, it will help us all!
  • Also, if you aren't already following me on twitter or facebook, do. I'll be sure to post and re-post any info I have about which stores are carrying it, and when.
  • And speaking of things you've been waiting for: I have embroidery iron-on transfer patterns ready to ship! I'll be showing them to you tomorrow. So come by!
  • Oh. And you'll want to come by every day this week actually. I know. Overkill. But there's lots of stuff I want to show you!
  • But I'll give you a hint. It has a lot to do with the requests you all made during the survey I offered a while back. Stay tuned!
  • And that picture above does fit into this post. Lot's of changes have been going on in the studio (you'll be getting bits and pieces in the next several days) and lots of changes have been happening on a personal level too. I'm officially gluten & lactose intolerant. And I have been for a while now...I just never knew it. If you saw me at quilt market, I was swollen and puffy and well, I am not usually swollen and puffy looking. It was all from being sick, and everyone around here is happy to know the reason.  And one way I am still clean inside is because I have a marvelous baker husband who hasn't minded switching ingredients. You'd never guess that this gorgeous tart was made from rice flour. Life can be beautiful even when living without.

Well, I don't know if bullet points helped keep all this straight, but just remember this:

  • CONTACT ME if you know of international stores that will be carrying it.
  • COME BACK the next day to see more fun and wonderful things that I've been waiting years to show you!
  • WISH you were gluten intolerant so you could get tarts like this :) OK. Just kidding.
  • HARRY POTTER has officially made for a great 14 year experience.

Love to you all!



Getting older.


Today is a special day. A day I share with Harry Potter's Final Film (!!!) and one of my favorite Dutch artists, Rembrant. I'm feeling rather old fashioned to be honest. Old, being the key word.

Like the other day when my kids asked me about pens.

THEM: "What did people draw with  in the olden days if they didn't have pens?"

ME: "Pencils."

THEM: "What about before pencils? Like in the really olden days, Mom?"

ME:"Paint brushes." I'm thinking that you can't really go beyond that unless you start talking about rocks, right?

THEM: "Mom! In the really olden days, they used chicken feathers!"

Oh. Of course. I forgot that one.

We have chickens. And chickens shed feathers. And they are collected by my children in droves. And they make fantastic Quills. But...only if you tell them at in the Olden Days, everyone had to be patient. I mean, you couldn't exactly send off a note in 10 seconds, because you had to redip your feather. Again, and again, and again. This might be the first time my children actually became a little impatient and quit their art projects rather early. It was rather comical.

"Wow, the people that used chicken feathers to draw must be really, really old now, Mom."

Well, I guess so. And I am joining in the old club. At least I get breakfast in bed, sushi dinner and a trip to the movies. Go Harry!

But Pssst....I'm hosting a lot of birthday celebrations next week. All week. You won't want to miss out, so came back bright and early on Monday morning, and share the love!


sarah jane


POST EDIT: Warning...this post might be rather jumbled and is a true stream of conscienceness. But the truth is, it's something I don't talk about much, and I need to. So. There you go.

With our new house, one of my priorities was to have lots of places to make together. As a working artist, you'd think that would be a simple and obvious request. But as a mother and with this little business of mine, I'm often surprised how hard it really is for me illustrate while my kids are making. I can embroider, sew, do crafts and draw bits and pieces of projects we do together, but I don't usually get a chance to just have my own drawing time. Maybe it's cause they are still so young. Maybe it's because when we make together, I'm teaching and guiding (and cleaning up!) more than not. I think mostly it's because now that I get paid for what I illustrate, I can easily fall into the mind-set that drawing is "work" and not "play." And since most of the day is filled with playing, and lessons, and cooking, and cleaning....I often forget to let myself just PLAY!

Sitting down with my sketchbook to fill some pages while the kids create beside me, is usually followed by Addie wanting to color in my sketchbook instead of hers...which I love. So I let her. I get out another sketchbook for me (I have several that I float between for this very reason), and then Ian's pencil breaks and I need to run downstairs to grab a sharpener. And then Ella wants to color on Ian's paper, so he goes up in the cupboard to find some more. But in the mean time, he wants to sculpt. So we set up the table for clay. And then I open my sketchbook while the kids are playing, and water spills all over, and clean it up. But before I do, Addie wants to rip out her page in my sketchbook to hang on the wall. So I rip it out, and then Ella is hungry. And when I get her some raisins, the others want some too. And now it's lunchtime. And I think I've maybe started drawing a small little head with shoulders, with a scribble of crayon next to it. And so it goes. It's almost like "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie."

I absolutely love being creative the kids, but, I'll be honest... I haven't really found any solutions to getting real art work done except for when they are tucked soundly in their beds. I wish it weren't so. But I've also come to the conclusion that making time isn't about getting any particular project's just about making. Which, hello, is the fun of it, right? But even though I get to be creative at night, I've made it a point to be more creative and draw while they are. And even if I never get to turn a page in my sketchbook, I've seen how valuable it is to draw for myself while they are creating. Instead of only teaching, or giving ideas,etc. I am making more of a point this year to let them see me drawing.

Which actually brings me to another topic: often, since they know mom can "draw anything"'s actually a fine line I walk with drawing with them. Often when I do draw, they just ask me to draw for them. And when I stand off and let them come up with their own ideas, they can sit at the table for a really long time.

But, seeing mom draw and mess up is something we're working on right now. Even last night's bedtime story was about a time when I learned that all art is beautiful and mess-ups only lead to new ideas. It's really amazing to create and teach my kids about creation...their needs are always changing, and so are mine. I love it.

So it's funny...even though the house is filled with tape and scissors and glue, and there is a constant source of pencils & paper in any given place in the house....even though we make together all the time and do creative  projects together....sometimes I forget to just forget about my "projects" and just play just like my kids do. Silly, really.

So, I'm putting pressures of deadlines aside, and just playing more this year. It's more important than I ever realized to say it out loud...kinda like losing weight or giving up caffein. So, there. I said. it. But truthfully, like any profession that you love...once it's something you get paid for, it's easy to forget to play. Something that a busy mommy can easily forget. Man! Why do we forget so easily? Being a responsible adult is nice and all, but isn't playing what makes it all worth it? So. Playing. It's good. And it needs to be given a bit more attention. I can just here the Goddess of Play now. She's saying, "Thank you. It's about time."

Sunshine Girl.

Ok. You have to indulge me today. But this week is Ella's birthday, and I just can't get over how much I am in love with this girl.

She is my sunshine. And even though her favorite words right now are "NO!" and "I NOT!" she is one of those toddlers that is adorable even when having a fit.

She's been a beauty ever since she first came. And I don't just mean her darling face and smiling eyes. But her soul is pure sunshine. I just can't get enough of her!

This week I'm rather sentimental. She's my baby, but is she really 2 years old? I was in a really interesting place two years ago. We were between moves, I was between big illustration projects. I spent several months with post-partum depression...trying to work through a lot of emotions and life plans. But Ella, even when I was pregnant with her, has been my light. Just seeing that smile makes it all melt away. And now that I am in a much better place than I was 2 years ago, I realize even more how much that big person inside that little body is capable of. She's my joy!

Quilt Market Spring 2011

I just walked in the door from an AMAZING weekend at Quilt Market! Wow.Wow, wow, wow. We had such an amazing response, and it was so great to launch this collection in real life.

First though, I have to give credit to my amazing husband who built this amazing set, nd who was basically my right hand man through this whole thing. And Lindsey who was such an amazing assistant through the getting ready for market days and through the weekend! And for my parents who flew out to watch my kids. And Sandi who kept me sane when my feet hurt too much. And the list goes on and on and on....

So, in the beginning, the space looked like this.

So, in the beginning, the space looked like this.

And then with a little work, it turned into this.

And then with a little work, it turned into this.

Ok. A lot of work! But oh so worth it. CHILDREN AT PLAY, my first collection with Michael Miller fabrics, made for such a cheery booth.

Here. I'll take you through a walking tour:

  • Flowers from my Aunt's Flower shop.
  • {Skirt pattern is by MODKID found here}
  • Adorable outfit made by Liz of Cotton and Curls (LOVE the tie!!!)
  • (Shorts pattern in an Oliver & S Classic)
  • Me with my family tree panel, which I'll post more of later.
  • And since my fabric came in 6 days before market...SIX DAYS to sew up an entire trade show booth? Yikes! I grabbed quite a bit of help: pillows and quilts and clothing made by my mother-in-law, AmyHolly and Susan, Gina, Maryanne, LizTricia and Hannah. I couldn't have put this together without you!
  • Michael Miller's booth was amazing as usual. They are always coming up with fun themes for market, and this one was "Super Hero's" They even go as far as dressing up for the part-super capes and all!
  • Michael Miller has two locations: one in CA and the other in Manhattan. So when they get together, it's always a blast. They even found an old red telephone booth in NYC that they ripped off the pavement and brought to Salt Lake City. How's that for dedication to a theme! So dedicated they won an award.
  • And it was super nice to be next to my dear friend Sandi's booth. She always puts on a fantastic show.
  • Me with my family tree panel, which I'll post more of later.

I did try and a little social time in...not much. It's go-go-go at market, which I loved. But it was so great to visit for a minute or two with friends I've made along the way who are just as crazy as I am. Crazy, meaning who share the same drive and work just as hard and yet care so much for their young families. And it was so wonderful to meet so many of you! There are so many amazing fabric stores all over the country! I especially loved visiting with people from Japan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Norway, The Netherlands and Italy. What a treat!

All in all, it was a fantastic show. So glad to have met so many of you, and to have had such a great response with Children At Play! I can't wait to show you more fabric projects more 'inside' scoop on the collection!

Oh! And P.S: The ETSY shop is going to stay closed a little bit longer! Children at Play had a fantastic response, and we're needing to get a bit more organized now that we've come home. Stay tuned for more details....


Wow. She has a Facebook Page.


I'm taking a break from the creative "wow-ness" to say...Wow! There's lots going on!

Wow....You know that line from White Christmas? When Bing Crosby is asked by Danny Kaye "What's 'Wow?'" And Bing Crosby says, "Somewhere between "Ouch" and "Boing-g." That's about how I'm feeling right now.

This fabric line is coming together, and there's lots to do to show it off properly....but more on that later. Patience, patience!

So, Quilt Market is coming up oh so close. Will you be there? I'll give you updates on my booth closer to the event, but if you are...yay! It will be a party.

To get ready for the first peeks of fabric, and designs coming out, I've gone and made myself a Facebook Fan Page. I know...I'm old school. I haven't had a page till now. So (and insert silly chuckle here) "Wanna 'Like' Me?"

Sounds so Junior High. It kinda is. But I do look forward to getting more personal feedback from all you Facebookers. There's lots coming up that I want to post about, and I want to get it all out there. So, thumbs up?

I took some pictures of some particularly clean spots in my studio. Notice how you don't see any floors or table shots? Eh-hem. Purposeful photography here folks.

So, a sum up (especially if you are viewing in a reader) here's all the places you can keep in touch with all going on in the next couple weeks (and's just that there is a lot to show in the next coupla weeks!)

  • Facebook Me here.
  • Pin me here
  • Tweet me here
  • Flickr me here
  • Send me chocolate here.
  • Just kidding.
  • No really...I could use some double dark just about now.

Ok! Back to the Studio!

Photography. The good kind.

While I was at ALT, I met such talented people. One of which was Sarah Wert of Modern Kids Photography. I'd visited her blog before (fantastic!) but I wasn't familiar with her work until now. And I love, love, love it! She was so willing to take a headshot for me (out in freezing cold I might add!)

Here are some more of her wonderful images. I've been craving good photography, as I've been without a good camera for so long. Aren't these precious?

If you are in the San Francisco area and could use some great family photography, you're in luck! I am so glad I got to meet Sarah in Salt Lake City. If only I had had my kids with me!

But the good news is, I am finally getting a new camera after my last DSLR died. Horray! I'll be posting more on that soon! Has't the digital DSLR changed the world? I mean really....there were such fewer options before it came around for the semi-professional/serious amateur photographer. Isn't it amazing? Do you have a fav. camera? I'd love to hear!


sarah jane


There have been some changes around the studio, and since I've been running around I haven't even had a moment to blog about them!

Where do I start....

The Short Version:

Sarah Jane Studios is now an in-home, 4 person operation...the 4th person being my lovely husband-manager.

The Long Version:

18 months ago (or so) I was at a point where I had to make some big decisions. We were trying to sell our condo, we were living in very tight-spaced temporary housing, having our 3rd baby, house hunting with the intentions of moving into our first home at any moment. I was also illustrating my first book, going through post-partum depression (though I didn't realize it) and a whole bunch of other little things that all added up to having zero (no make that negative) time to run Sarah Jane Studios.

I really didn't want to quit. But my family (and my sanity) came first. So I was ultimately willing to. But then I had an idea that saved the day. I hired Emily....the queen manager who came in and basically took over the management and business side of it all. And it was amazing. She ran the show, if you have ever emailed me and gotten her, you know she held the reins and made this studio run. She did such an amazing job while I moved, remodeled a house, had baby #3 (and Ooooooh...she was so cute! I digress....), finished my first picture book and designed a 20 design piece fabric line. She ran it all. Not only that, but she moved Sarah Jane Studios over to her home where  she set up an entire shipping room. It was the best set up!

But, the time has come for me to bring Sarah Jane Studios back home, and make it a family operation! Emily kept this business going when my only other option was to quit. And I am so incredibly grateful! But my husband and I have moved everything back home and are planning on growing Sarah Jane Studios together! I'm really it gives me more excuses to spend time with my favorite person. He's pretty wonderful if you ask me. So, you may have already noticed an email from him...but if you haven't....please say hello!

With the transition of switching Kenneth in and moving the shop, PLEASE forgive us if we've missed an email, or messed up an order. There have been a couple hiccups...and hopefully we've worked out the kinks! But please tell us if we've goofed....little mistakes are always bound to happen during transition times!

So, that's the story. Then end.

But on a more personal note, I just have to say how blessed I've been to do this all.

People ask me, "How do you do it? Design, illustrate, run a business, raise three kids who are home all day..."

Well, the short answer is: I don't.

I don't do it all. I'm with my kids all day, and stay up late at night. I don't have a beautiful laundry room...although I dream of one. Currently as I write this, my sink is full of dishes and I have no intentions of finishing them tonight! But, I have a wonderful family and we all work together to make this happen. I've really had so much help. An amazing husband who helps with the kids, the cooking and the dishes when I need it. Friends who love to trade play dates. Family who support and believe in what I'm doing. It all adds up to just that: a lot of hard work and support along the way.

And while I'm on that note, I just have to say thanks to all you who have been with me from the start. I really read all your comments, try to comment back and email you when I can! I started this business with my just putting up my art to get some feedback....and so I am rather sentimental when it comes to the journey I've been on. I value your support so much!

Sarah Jane Studios has a lot of wonderful things coming this spread the word and come back often. There's new fabric (lots of it by the way), a book, more designs and other wonderful goodies to be had this year. I can't wait!

And also, we  really value your suggestions. A lot of you have taken the time to email and let us know what you'd like to see....and that means a lot. We love hearing your feedback! So thank you!

And yes...I'll be taking pictures of the new space soon enough....still need to get that darn camera....

signing out...and back to work....


sarah jane