Prescription: Sunshine. Saltwater. Playtime.

IMG_6470 We've never done this before. Taken a family vacation in the middle of February. But there was no other way. After a miserable (I'm being modest here) first trimester, a cold winter that has set records as the coldest since 1949, non-stop viruses visiting our family since October, and a baby coming in the summer that will prevent us from traveling, we just picked up and left. I'd had enough. It was time to just get out. So we planned a 3 day vacation in sunny Seal Beach, CA .....and we only planned it just 10 days prior. I've not been that spontaneous since B.C. (Before Children:) ooooh. It felt really good.



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So we hopped in the car and drove for a day...and got just what the doctore ordered.  Salt water, sea air, sun and family time. I've got crazy work deadlines that I put aside, Kenneth is swamped at work too. But we just picked up and grabbed some sunshine, knowing that we needed a recharge. Badly.

And that's just what we got!

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We also gave the kids a trip to Disneyland...which is always so precious and awesome to witness as a parent. Pure bliss.

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It was the greatest little getaway. Since December, I've been too sick to even play with my kids. It's been so depressing for me! But I think we're all on good terms now that I'm feeling so much better.

Now it's back to real life (which is always so hard!) but at least I've got some sun on my skin and some play time under me.





Cause I just love this bunch. And so excited to add one more monkey this summer. I think I can take it:) I can't wait actually!