Pin & Flickr Friday: Dairy of Quilter

Hexagon baby quilt Sarah Jane Fabric  

Do you follow Dairy of a Quilter? My friend Amy is always cranking out awesome stuff. She just made this quilt for a new baby niece, and I'm just in love. First off, I love hexagons. And knowing that I absolutely CANNOT sew hexagons makes this even more lovely. (It's so hard to get it just right!) And secondly, I love that this is a mix of my past two fabric collections (Children at Play and Out to Sea). And with the third coming in any day now, I think I'm going to need to make a quilt combining all three. With hexagons. But I won't sew it. Ha.



Emerson custom quilting


Sarah Jane Narwhals


I've been a bit dormant in the fabric department since Autumn, and I'm excited to get back in the groove.

And I love sewing with my kids. Like today:  Addie asked me this morning if we could have a stitching party when she gets home from school. And I'm like "Sure! Let's break out the embroidery hoops, lady!" But she had a different mind. "No, let's get out all the stuffed animals and blankets that I've been asking you to mend, like all year,  that you still haven't mended?  I'll be the nurse and you be the Dr."  I kinda giggled and moaned all in the same moment. You know those "FAIL" moments as a parent? That was one of them. Guess we're playing Stitch Hospital today.

Sarah Jane pinwheels quilt back

Hexagon baby quilt Sarah Jane Fabric


And speaking of fabric....I want to send you over to some lovely, lovely shops that are featured on the side of my blog here. I love purchasing fabric from the Quilt Home, Fashionable Fabrics, Fat Quarter Shop, Sew Modern, Crafters Vision, Quilting Garden, and Quilt Sandwich. Click on over and treat yourself. I'm getting the sewing bug again now that spring is inching in. Are you?

Happy Weekend everyone!!