
Taking some time off from this space for the holidays felt just right. How are you? Hope you didn't come by too much, cause I was laying low and enjoying some well deserved home-body time. All of us (except the husband-turned-nurse) got sick over the holiday, which meant that instead of formal feasts, we stayed in our PJ's and had chicken soup on Christmas. It was a bit of a downer, but we were all together, snowed in under a foot and a half of snow, and it turned out to be just the pace we needed.

Taking time off from the computer and internet completely felt very well deserved as well. Maybe it's part of being creative but every so often, I get completely burned out of doing anything social, or creative, and December was one of those months for me. I have had these lulls long enough to know that I need to just go with the flow and let myself unplug. And it was good that I did. I'm ready to get back into creating again.

2013: I'm really interested to see what this year brings! I'm a goal person, and I consider myself  pretty driven. But this year, I'm feeling the need to be a little unattached to my goals, and instead be more focussed on the daily moment. To be a little less pushy of myself, and to allow growth and blossoming to happen in their own time.

There is a lot of stuff I have scheduled, and plenty to keep me busy. But for whatever reason, I'm feeling less go-go-go and more "listen and pay attention." Does that make sense? I won't be doing any less, but I intend to have my mind more open, and less filled with lists and pressures. I think last year, I had intentions of letting go of the clutter tasks, and focussing on the creative. But I wasn't as successful at it, because I still tried to push myself to get there. This year, I'm opening up, staying quiet in my mind, and being more intentionally aware and allowing myself to grow where I need to. I'll keep you posted on how that goes. My mother-brain gets in the way of letting me just "play" sometimes. I'm sure there are a few of you that can relate. It's all for good reasons, but I am letting go of the "musts" and "shoulds" a little more, and letting myself make more room for expression.  Good for the soul.

I'm excited to share it with you.

Here's to a new year!




PS: The above illustration is the portrait of my kids I made for my parent's this year. I'll be sharing more of the Portrait Project as they come in!