Upstate NY Library needs our help!

I was totally engrossed in the Hurricane Irene play by play, even though I wasn't even in it. My parents were actually visiting me and completely missed the earthquake and the hurricane, but I found myself being so concerned for the people and places I love so much. Our family has lived in DC and Boston, and I've had many favorite memories from North Carolina to Maine. Happy that the hurricane didn't turn out to be as bad as predicted, but the losses are still awful.

One in particular post that I saw on Facebook was this sweet little library, that lost it's entire children's book collection due to the flooding. The water in Upper Jay, NY came in at more 6 feet high, and damaged so much of the town.  So many homes and businesses are having to start all over. The Wells Memorial Library (such a charming library!)  lost so many books, but mostly the children's books because they were all on the lower level shelves. Can you imagine? No more picture books to check out. This little library, and the community it serves, could use your help!

They have tried to save what they could, but the only picture books untouched were the 5 books on the re-shelving cart.

I'm going to be sending them some, but I wanted to give a shout out to all my friends, knowing that if everyone just sent one book...they would be in a place to start really offering hope (especially for the children!)  to their now devistated community.

And if you know of any other libraries that need our help, comment below! I'd love to see these little libraries stand up again fast! Kate Messner is a children's book illustrator, and she was able to photograph and blog about this library yesterday, and I'm so glad she did! This town hasn't had much news coverage, and I would love to see some hope restored.

UPDATE: West Hartford Public Library in Vermont also lost it's children's book section. I'll update information as I get it, but I am sure they would appreciate donations:

The West Hartford Public Library

5133 Route 14 West Hartford, VT05084

(802) 295-7992

Here's how you can help:

1. Send a donation. Checks may be made payable to the Wells Memorial Library.

2. Send a new, hardcover children’s book. Picture books are needed most. They were all destroyed except the five waiting to be re-shelved and those that were signed out to homes that didn’t get flooded. I hear that they might be getting an AMAZON wishlist started, But in hopes to support small bookstores, they'd ask that you purchase from an indie bookstore if at all possible! And if you know of any other libraries that need our help, comment below! I'd love to see these little libraries stand up again fast!

Here’s the postal address for donations:

Wells Memorial Library

P.O. Box 57

Upper Jay, NY 12987

If you are sending via UPS, use this address:

Wells Memorial Library

12230 State Route 9N

Upper Jay, NY 12987
