My wild thing.

{pic from my sister's phone}

So I got to thinking: my posts have been rather gentle and warm and fuzzy lately. I haven't been getting you behind the scenes that much...which is probably a good thing. Life with 3 under 4 has been a rather big adjustment for us. Well for me, at least. Things really do have rough edges around these parts though....on many levels. Let's start with Ella's do: a good metaphor for my life at the moment...wild but fun.  I got my hair cut the other night, and my hair dresser insisted getting the flat iron onto her mohawk (Ella has naturally curly hair + mohawk. We love it.)  Ironically, my hairdresser was sporting a "messy" mohawk too. (Please don't bring that hairstyle back!) But oh...she looks so cool. Rad even.  She is a rather darling Rock Star, I must say.

I'm going to make this her official 5 month picture.