eight years, five people, three babies and my one really big crush.

Eight years ago today was the best day of my life up to that point. I got to marry the man of my dreams! Tall, dark and handsome. Spontaneous and full of energy. Smart and ambitious. Wildly talented. A man convinced that love makes it all better. Hilariously funny. Deeply concerned about my own happiness and willing to take the longest ride of his life. So far, it has been nothing but WONDER.FULL! I am crazy about you BABE! It just keeps getting better!

Today, We got the best anniversary present. I got to hear the heartbeat of the littlest member of our family. YES!!!! WE ARE HAVING A BABY THIS SUMMER (I am 12 weeks along) and it has been the hardest secret to keep: especially to those that know me. I have been one big ball of yucky since September! I actually was pregnant in early September, and then miscarried, only to get pregnant immediately after, which essentially added an extra month to what I have classified as full-blown-yucky-land. Morning, noon and night of hovering over the toilet. Thankfully, I am starting to feel better and now I am really starting to show. (Ok, in actuality, I was showing since day one...as this is baby #3, my belly doesn't stay little anymore...as you can clearly see in the picture above!)

But all is well and we are THRILLED to be adding a new addition to the family!!! Addie and Ian are thrilled, and talk to my belly constantly. I absolutely love that they can be apart of this! Addie and Ian are 12 months apart, so Addie was not even aware of Ian coming...which was just fine! I had enough concern for both of us! But now, the two of them actually get to be part of this whole process, and I love it! Addie even got to hold the stethoscope!

We are still in the throws of moving. I will hopefully have pictures soon of our new place. Right now we have no phone, TV or internet and I am actually loving it. Like, REALLY loving it. It makes my world smaller, but more full. I nearly feel like we live in a cabin away from it all. And what a better way to celebrate an anniversary. And a new heartbeat. And Christmas. And life.

Happy holidays to all! Enjoy your family time! Can't say when I will be in again...Internet will be out for a while. In the mean time, I am reading some REALLY great novels...between cat naps of course! Baby on board makes mama pretty sleepy these days:)

xoxo Sarah Jane:)