Thinking about change.

I'm bending over backwards to get my website up and running by next week. I am so thrilled to finally have a space that is a lot more cohesive, simple, and well...just a good place to come and visit! But's been more work than I was prepared for!

I've been photographing up a storm, and I wanted to post this picture today. I think this might be my favorite print in my shop. It often sits quietly, not as noticed as a lot of others. But this one has always been telling of this season. Changing seasons, quiet sounds, yet magical and whimsical. It  makes me thoughtful, maybe because I'm watching more...watching for that next leaf to change...looking for which tree on the mountain will be red next.  This piece is in my studio for that always makes me smile.

I've been pensive and thoughtful as I've stayed up these past several nights revamping my website after starting this curious journey 4 years ago this month. I will never forget the sleepless nights I spent with prints all over my floor trying to learn how to use a fine art printer. I was so driven to earn an income from my artwork instead of selling health products MLM like I had started doing...that it all seemed so worth it. I was nervous, excited, scared and a lot of naive! But full of hope. I just hoped that someone would buy a few prints, and help me stay home with my two babies.

We all have that hope. Hope that by trying something new, things will improve. That from hard work, faith, smarts and (a lot of!) drive, answers will come and problems will resolve. I don't believe in waiting around for other people to solve your problems...and looking back, I see how tenatious I was to start an entire business out of those hopes! But it's what was (and still is!) in my gut and my soul, and I've just marveled at all the knowledge gained, relationships made, growth and faith I've built.

Forgive me for the nostalgia today! I really can get nostalgic and sappy. But this weather, my businesses 4th birthday and me having to dig through 4 years of all my art has kept me rather pensive. As a creative spirit, it's natural for me to always be digging up, learning and observing from everything around me...and so I guess that's why I'm popping in today! Change is good, and reminds me that you can make what ever you want out of your life! I've really had to ask myself some big questions lately: like why do I want what I want, and do what I do? These are the kinds of questions that help me remember that every path is different, every person unique. And sometimes looking back at it all just makes me feel really, well...grateful! So grateful. I'm thoughful and humble today. And i guess I just wanted to tell you all that: We are all unique and have our own path to carve out of the rock. And if we stop and listen often enough, the way to go is always clear.

And so, thanks for listening! You are all wonderful and I'm blessed to have a place to share this creative journey!

Have a wonderful weekend folks!



Family Portraits.

Last week, my dear friend from college called me up to say she was going to be in town for just the day and that she had one more slot left for a family photo shoot. It was totally last minute, and I tried to make every excuse under the sun not to go...It had been a full weekend, I had had a really hard day, and I knew it would be a scramble to get everyone ready, I would most likely have wild hair, messy kids and who knows if they'd be fed!

But we haven't had family portraits in years...and I always seem to be putting it off! No more.

Tara is amazing. I met Tara the same day I met my husband. We were in the same freshman year at BYU studying musical theater, and became fast friends. When it came time to create our senior projects, I wouldn't have wanted to pair up with anyone but her. I went on to perform for a bit, and teach voice, and she went on to tour and then to New York to get her master's at NYU. She is one of the most driven people I know! But after years of all that, she settled down and started a (booming) photography business a little after I settled down and started my illustration work. Funny how two girls who had eyes set for broadway so long ago, both ended up starting businesses that could support our families at home.  She looks through lenses and captures moments. I draw mine on paper.

So, these are the first pictures we've taken as a family since before Ella was born. And it's about time.

She does such a wonderful job just capturing the moments that count. No fluff. We just played in the meadow in the mountains, and she took pictures. My kind of evening.

Moments. Real moments. No posing. No fake-y stuff. Ask my kids to pose, and you get Charlie Chaplin.Well, that's cute too.

Thank you Tara! There are even more pics on her blog if you want to go see....they are bigger and and so precious!

And PS: (cause I know you will ask me!) Yes, she travels. It's so worth it.  So glad we scrambled in the car and made it happen. We drove home singing the whole way and had a pizza night afterwards. Perfect day.

Keeping it real.

Hi you guys. I just came back from an awesome vacation. Well, STAY-cation. No work. No deadlines to worry about. No phone calls. Just home on a cold, cozy weekend with just the 5 of us. It was perfect.

We played, read, cooked, ate, roasted marshmallows, danced, sang, snuggled in blankets, and just enjoyed "being." We didn't even get in the car once. It was awesome.

Then I got on Pinterest, looking for ideas on how to "someday" finish the kitchen, and I got to thinking about all these "perfect" spaces that we are so used to seeing on blogs and all over the web.

Golly, sometimes I wish we could just see some jam on the floor in those designer room interiors! I mean, that would for sure give me a better inclination to see if that floor color would really "work" in my house.

And while I was getting ready to tidy up this weekend (singing along to the Weepies, and not really caring if I got to the bedrooms...this was a stay-cation after all!) I realized that this is home. I hate having a messy house. I really do. But I also know that I am REALLY going to miss it in 15+ years. Really miss it.

Toys on every floor in the house  means there are little people in my life who make me so ridiculously happy.

Crumbs on the floor means Kenneth made 2 loaves of fresh 5 grain bread, in which 1 was entirely devoured in 10 minutes. And what ever didn't make into little mouths, ended up on the floor. With jam, of course.

My shoes all over the house means I have girls who really like really to play Mommy. Lint on the floor means I have a really lousy IKEA rug that sheds. There really isn't anything too happy about that one, except that, well, we have rug.

Clothes that end up everywhere means I have really creative children who would rather  1) be naked or 2) be an impersonation of something besides themselves. Every. Single. Day.

Chalkboards  in most rooms mean I have chalk dust on my floors constantly. But I also get pretty pictures (and menus) all the time. Oh, and notice the french invitation to Addie's Cafe. Completely illegible and spelled wrong, but she reads it in a very french accent and it makes me giggle.

Corn that never got picked (I don't know if we just forgot, or never knew when the right time to pick it) means we have awesome fall decorations for our kitchen table now.

An overgrown side yard means there are magical pathways for exploring.

An un-weeded garden means that we spend most of our time picking and watering and preparing fresh veggies, rather than weeding.

And messy hair means I get great pictures out of my baby.

See? It's not so bad. I'm starting a revolution.

**And speaking of messy, I'm in the process of redoing my blog and building a expect some changes, which I'll address very soon!**

Want to hang out in my studio?

Hello Friends!

Utah's channel 5 did a sweet little interview with me in my home studio last night (on their We Are Utah segment), and I wanted to invite you into my studio to have a look! Steve Olpin came to my house last month, and was so fun to work with. Working with a freelance videographer versus a news show host made all the difference, and I felt so relaxed to just spend time in the studio and reflect on my perspective on being an artist. And while I HATE talking about myself and what I do, it was really nice to put a little cap on why I do what I do, and how I got to where I am!

So, enjoy...and take this as a little open house invitation into my small studio space! Without, unfortunately, the hot cocoa and cookies that I'd have out if you really did come over to hang out.

On the doorstep.

I know I know....

It's not even Christmas, but I need to take your time this morning and say.....


There I said it. I'm done now.

Well, maybe not. I really do want to say a little bit more, but honestly, I get a little shy. Isn't that silly? It's like stage fright. My fabric line was such a whirlwind release, and the art I create in the shop is usually the same. There was no time to be nervous.

But books are slow. Created fast and with crazy deadlines, but then you wait. And wait. And wait.

And the waiting has made me a little timid. Like, I want to say, "Are you still there? Do you still care? I made this book for you over a year you still want to read it?"

(Insert pigeon toes and flushed cheeks here)

Regardless, today it's happening. All pre-ordered books are being delivered by white and brown trucks all over the country today. They will be (oh so gently laid) onto little doorsteps where a man in uniform will place brown cardboard boxes filled with art that I made in my basement studio, while listening to Christmas Choir music in July. A book with magic in the text that had gave me goosebumps the moment my editor read it to me over the phone for the first time. A book about Jesus and the light He brings to all the world. A book that still has my children begging to read it, even though it's not even Halloween. A book that I've placed little secrets into that no one but myself and my children really know.

A book that was illustrated while moving twice, pregnant, going on partial bed rest, having a baby, buying a house, wading through financial difficulties and struggling through post partum, all while trusting in God to pull us through. It was quite literally a miracle in and of itself to be patiently wading through the "stuff" life brings, and then to illustrate the Christmas Story at night. I don't think there could have been a better release for those emotions...I needed God, and I got to draw my emotions on paper.  This was my place to put in my feelings of my Savior, the miracle of His birth, and all the relationships that were formed around that miracle.

And now you get to be a part of that.

I actually didn't pre-order any. Looking back maybe I should have! But I will have the honor of hand delivering copies to some very special people. And that will make for quite the perfect day.

I won't post about this any more until the air is a little crisper and colder...but I just had to share a special moment. A life goal. A day that won't ever come again.

I think I'll go kiss a little lamb:)

The Creative Connection

TCCevent small
TCCevent small

...Through the eyes of Instagram....

1. Signing my book along side "The Toymaker." Both of us have Christmas Books coming out. If you haven't seen her site, it's a must!

2. I spoke on a panel with 3  new kindred spirits: Amy Turnsharp of Little Allouette, Andrea Badgely of Sacred Suds, Liv Lane of Choosing Beauty. Amazing women!

3. The first purchase of A Christmas Goodnight! Kim Christopherson and Kris Thurgood from the DIY DISH of course!

4. My first spotting of my book for sale!

5. Holly Becker from Decor8...lovely, lovey person.

6. So inspired by Christina Ferrare!

Wow. What a week. My first week traveling by myself, without my husband, with out my kids, turned out to be quiet the break I needed.

I was asked to speak at the Creative Connection event in St. Paul, and it was really a week of learning and introspection. I really like speaking. I love having the chance to talk about the things I've learned on this creative journey I've been on, because it actually makes me go and reflect to what I've learned. Without the motivation to speak and help others, sometimes I think it's easy to breeze by and not recognize all the treasures of wisdom I've acquired. A great lesson of learning, for sure!

In attendance, were women from ALL spectrums of creative lifestyles. Designers, seamstresses, crafters, photographers, artists, bloggers, you name it. I think I had to say that I enjoyed the Keynote Speakers the best.

Holly Becker of Decor8, what a darling. She shared her personal story from her girlhood to how she got where she is today, with no shortage of trials, that's for sure. And, her book is GORGEOUS! It sold out fast at TCC! She really is remarkable, and I love her even more now.

Cristina Farrere from Cristina Cooks on the Oprah Network: What a babe! She also shared her personal story from girlhood to where she is today. She too had the kind of hurdles that would shut any "normal" person down forever. But she has fire and faith and a lot of persistance. What a story!

Other keynote speakers, who have amazing products, talent and stories to share a long with it: Kelly Rae Roberts, Leigh Standley, Melody Ross,Susan Branch, Karen Walrond, Becky Higgins, Nora Abousteit, and Stacy Julien.

All these women have climbed their own mountains and faced their own hurdles to get where they are. And most of them created a business FROM the rubble. Even more inspiring!

Here's an illustrated quote that Susan Branch shared at the end of her Keynote, which she shared on her blog:

I mostly took the chance to be introspective, meet other women who are crazy like me (the kind the ALSO don't shower or do laundry for days when trying to meet deadlines) and it was so nice to be in the company of women who's hearts beat with the same pulse. Who go through their challenges, rather than around, and use their creative gifts to answer life's big questions. And they are all helping others a long the way.

It also reinspired me to try new paths, be more fearless with my own creativity and follow my dreams with more fire and haste. To be less swayed by outside opinions, and to create more truthfully.

I was also more determined to let creativity into my life more. Working, networking, and all the business aspects of what I do (not to mention mothering!) take up a lot of my energy.

I've made the pledge to be wake up each morning with Creative Living as my motive. I am sensing in my own self a season of change. A time of new realization and creative growth. And I'm really excited to discover it all!

Thank you to all the lovely new friends I made and the wonderful conversations I had that I will never forget. Why I didn't get more pics of my newly formed friendships is beyone me! But Creative spirits connect. It just happens. Creative Connections. It's a beautiful thing!

Living life on purpose & other inspiration

Good morning all! Thanks so much for the great response to A Christmas Goodnight:) It's always a bit nerve wracking to share even a little bit of something that I've been keeping a secret for so long. I have so much more I want to fill you in on, but until then enjoy these last few weeks of summer...I promise I won't bug you about Christmas for at least another month:)

I wanted to share a few posts with you that are floating around the www today.

Ashley of Ashely Ann Photography (LOVE her blog and photography!) posted this great post of how she turned this free downloadable quote of mine into a canvas print which she embellished with hand stitching. Doesn't it look amazing?

{All Photos, Ashley Ann Photography}

I have my print behind glass in my kitchen...always such a lovely reminder to wake up every day full of love and purpose.

I made this print several weeks ago, but it has meant even more to me the past 2 days after recovering from a could-have-been-fatal car wreck. I'll spare you the horrific details, but let's just say it involved a bouncing metal pipe coming towards me on the freeway while going 65 mph in morning rush hour traffic. My car was totaled, 3 other cars were involved, and after spinning across 3 lanes of traffic, I walked away unharmed. Needless to say, I've been recovering on all levels, as you never expect to go through something like that. But if ever there was a shake in my soul to live my life with no regrets, it's been these past 48 hours. I can honestly say that I love my children every day like it will be my last, simply because I have always been so aware how fragile this life can be. But until you go through something like what I did Tuesday morning, am I shaken into living my life for God and my family with even more love than ever. The kind of purpose I didn't even know was in me. But now I do.

So...ok...onto happier things, Ashely is hosting a giveaway to get one 16x20 canvas print which you can use to print out that same quote. Isn't that great??

And other lovely things going on in blog land, We Love French Knots hosted this great interview with me on Tuesday. Interviews are fun, because I get to share things I don't normally talk about here. Enjoy!

(Sorry I didn't link to it earlier...I was rather busy tuesday!) Bari J, a fantastic fabric designer and embroidery designer, started this fantastic Stitching Blog and has been relentless in filling us all in on all things stitching. Check it out!

{Overall Baby}

And guess what else you are making? I had to share these gorgeous photos of more wonderful projects you are making with Children at Play from my Flickr Group. You are all so talented and inspiring!

{Overall Baby}

Love to you all! Hug your babies. Live your life on purpose. Make your home beautiful. Inspire someone else. Be creative. Thank God every day for all his mercy. And laugh a lot. Amen.

Oh, and don't forget about the great giveaway over at Ashley Ann!



Taking the leap.

What a week. What a day, really. Well, what a year! Ok, make that nearly 4 years.

Let me back up.

It all started in my little apartment. Kenneth and I were trying to figure out how to make ends meet. Things were looking pretty tight, and I had 2 babies in diapers. I had to do something, and to put a really long story in a nutshell, I got on my knees and prayed, then got to work. In 3 months time I had taught myself how to use photoshop, scan art into a printer and create digital prints. I even overnighted myself a fine art printer, and 2 days later I opened an ETSY shop. That was 1417 days ago. Last night, I sold my 10,000th sale on ETSY (to this lovely lady no less) and I find myself so incredibly sentimental. I'm just speechless. Really? I remember being so overwhelmed with the thought of leaving my babies to go work, when instead I was able to create this at home business where I have been able to stay at home. It's such an incredible blessing. Thank you!

But with that blessing, has come many curses. Curse is a strong word. Let's call them set backs. There are set backs to having work in your home, especially the management of orders, shipments, supplies, boxes (Oh! The boxes!) deadlines, no vacation time and just a lot of work to manage. I'd be lying if I said it was easy. I've had the most loyal help and most wonderful team through the years, all of which have turned out to be some of my dearest friends! But even with help, Sarah Jane Studios has grown to more than I can really handle at home: both in the physical sense and the emotional. So, why not just get more help? I tried going in that direction, and right now, getting more help = more people in my home to manage, oversee and think about. When really, I struggle with having enough space in my brain to get the trash on the curb on the right night (oh ya...Kenneth does that). I've played the game of Tetris all summer, with knowing where to put the least amount of effort for the maximum amount of reward: a business (and life!) philosophy I strongly believe in. And the answer is,  to hand all of my products over to companies who can handle things better than I can, and thus free up my time for more mothering, housekeeping and illustrating.

I'm starting to feel free just writing this!

Wow. But after some long, long weeks and months of trying to figure out how to move forward with what I started, and what I want for my family, I have decided to use 2 incredible small companies to fulfill, print and ship all our products. That may not seem like a big deal to you. And maybe you don't really care, cause you will most likely not even notice a difference...well, except that my cute little hand written address label will be replaced with a digital one. Sorry. But it's a big deal to me, because I'm handing over a baby really. Something that I started in the middle of a crisis that has grown too big for my arms to carry.

And to answer any questions, Ann and myself are still who you will hear from just as normal. All will be the same. The products the same, the only difference is that my basement and garage will be a lot less full, and my brain will be a lot less cluttered! Which ultimately means more fabric, books and art for you, and more REAL living for me!

Wow. Big load off my shoulders. Something inside of women, well at least me, thinks that we can just do it all. Well, we can't. We should really be striving to do a few things really well. The important things. And managing a shop from home has come to the point of me not being able to be the kind of mom (or artist for that matter!) that I want to be. And while outsourcing isn't for everyone (It's not the best financial solution, that's for sure!) it is the best for us. And I thought you should know, since you've been the fire behind the machine.

So. Back to where I was. Are you still reading this? Hi there, if you are. Last night I made my 10,000th sale, and I made the final decisions to send my inventory far away (in the USA by the way!) and I'll be shipping it all off tomorrow!

So, what does that mean for the shop? By the end of the day today (August 11, 2011), all embroidery patterns and stationery will be unavailable for a week. Prints, posters and frames will run as normal.  So, if you need something before August 18th, today is your day.

I'm off to pack up my stuff! And I hope you know how awesome it's been to share this journey with you. It's a wonderful story, really. Lots of ups and downs, trial and error. Learning as I go. And this new transition is feeling great.

I'm off!



PS: This picture is a favorite view of mine from where we live. I get the "big picture" reminder every day. So lucky!